“The key is not to think outside the box, but to think without the box.” – Matthew Devost
The HACKthink™ consulting service helps organizations apply a “hacker” mindset to problem solving and evolving or developing a disruptive solution. OODA’s HACKthink consulting services work to provide business solutions to team projects, executive management challenges, and at the Board of Directors level.
Contact us to discuss how our HACKthink™ consulting services can help solve your problems or unlock opportunities.
HackThink™ events are a great way to receive an information on the hacker mindset for your business, or to introduce HackThink™ concepts to your group or team. Attend a HACKthink™ webinar or contact us to present for your company or group. Our webinars feature general tips and ways to implement HACKThink™ in a variety of different settings.
Our next HACKthink™ events:
- October 16 – Raleigh, NC (Invite only)
- October 18 – CIA Headquarters (Invite only)
- November 2 – Leesburg, VA (Register)